"It was amazing to work with teachers for more than 25 years. Their excitement at enriching instruction with Artsense has been a joy to witness. The proof of their creativity in implementing the program is evident in the dynamic artwork and enthusiasm of their students. Now many can see on this website the colorful and original student artworks that teachers inspired."
-Carolyn Crouse, Creator of ArtSense
Thank you, Mrs. Crouse for creating a program that makes it easy for classroom teachers to deliver important art content to our students. With very little extra preparation, our teachers have used ARTSENSE to integrate art with every subject.
I used the ARTSENSE video with my brief 35 minute kindergarten art classes and you are absolutely right! The program makes teaching soooo much easier!
My third-grade class had fun mixing colors and creating texture with sponges, wood blocks and big brushes. We learned about the elements of color, shape, line and texture in this project. These are elements we see in the Eric Carle books we like to read. We created colorful paper textures then cut them into shapes and pasted them into interesting designs.
Purchasing ARTSENSE for our schools was one of our greatest investments. It provides excellent lessons for our students, regardless of the art background of our teachers. It is a great addition to our curriculum.
Since adopting ARTSENSE in our schools, Arts and Humanities scores have risen each year. Our classroom teachers are using the program with great success. Students test scores show the results of offering more art to our students.
The ARTSENSE program is excellent! You went 90 miles an hour in your inservice but it was fabulous. Your energy is positively contagious, and I’m re-energized for the year!
I plan to use your lesson outline on the Aborigines of Australia, and apply it to the sister cities of Livermore, CA and Yotsukaido, Japan—comparing their cultures for my third graders.
This ARTSENSE Art in History workshop was wonderful! I’m already an “Art Nut”, but this got me even more excited about some new implementations. I am VERY motivated!
This workshop has made more practical sense than any other workshop I’ve ever attended. You gave clear examples of how to use the program and the “crash” course in art taught me ore than any college course I have taken. Everyone does learn best with a hands-on experience. I appreciate the constant connection to literature (The Picture Book List is great!) and to science and history.